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The prices are very competitive compared to similar facilities in the Arab world.
For more information concerning the prices, please contact Dr. Najib Dagher directly on his mobile: 0096170906427
Although each IVF cycle is individual, the prices are as follows:
1st consultation + plan of treatment + baseline vaginal ultrasound = $.
Medications needed for the ovary stimulation = 500$ - 1200$.
In vitro Fertilization (IVF) + ICSI = $.
The price of the In Vitro (IVF) procedure includes:
Surgery of Egg retrieval,
Embryo Transfer,
IVF + ICSI (Intra cytoplasmic Sperm Injection)
Private hospital care (Usually several hours).
Egg donation + IVF + ICSI =$.
Egg donation + IVF + ICSI + PGD sex selection = $.
Sperm freezing = for 6 months and then each additional month.
Embryo freezing = for 6 months and then each additional month.
Frozen embryo transfer (FET) = $.
IVF + ICSI + PGD sex selection = $.
Mini IVF = $.
TESA (Testicular Sperm Aspiration) = $.
Surgical sperm retrieval = $.
TESE = $.
PESA = $.
MESA = $.
Sperm DNA Fragmentation = $.
Sperm Analysis = $
IUI (Intra Uterine Insemination) = $.
IUI + Sperm wash for sex selection = $.
Egg Freezing = $ for 6 months and then $ each additional month.
Egg retrieval for Egg Freezing = $.
Pap smear
Vaginoplasty + Labiaplasty
Hymenoplasty + Hymen reconstruction