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Egg donation in Lebanon, Egg donation Lebanon, Egg donation: Returns hope for those who thought it was impossible for them to have kids: Egg donation is using the eggs of a preselected young female donor then fertilizing them by the sperm of the woman’s husband then transferring the embryos to the woman’s uterus.…
POSTED August 26, 2016
Dr. Najib Dagher started his medical studies in Bordeaux – France. He obtained an MD degree and a specialty in Obstetrics and Gynecology as well as REPRODUCTIVE ENDOCRINOLOGY & HUMAN REPRODUCTION & Infertility & IVF in 2006.   He then pursued his career in many Hospitals in Lebanon. He occupied in 2007 - 2012 the position of medical and administrative assistant of the chairman of the board of the “Clinique Du Levant”…
POSTED May 19, 2019
In Vitro fertilization (IVF + ICSI)   The Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) is a group of treatment options used for couples with infertility that cannot be treated using simpler methods. These procedures have excellent success rates but require significant effort and might be expensive. For all of those reasons, advanced treatment options of infertility can be stressful,…
POSTED June 18, 2019
Laser Assisted Hatching, Reproductive Technologies to increase success rates  Assisted Hatching:   What is assisted hatching?   During the first 5 to 7 days of development, the embryo is surrounded and protected by an outer…
POSTED January 08, 2020
Egg donation: Egg donation is when the eggs of a young donor are given to a woman who is the recipient who cannot conceive by her own eggs anymore, to be fertilized by the sperm of the recipient’s partner in an IVF Laboratory, and then the resulted embryo or embryos will be transferred into the uterus of this recipient. In case of pregnancy, it will continue developing normally as any normal pregnancy inside the uterus. Legally, by…
POSTED November 22, 2020
Fertility Preservation in women, egg freezing Lebanon Thanks to the technique of egg freezing by vitrification, it is now possible to preserve one’s eggs in order to retain their current characteristics while waiting for the moment when they want them to be used. It is a fertility preservation technique that enables women to delay or postpone motherhood to the future. …
POSTED September 08, 2018
Egg donation: Egg donation is when the eggs of a young donor are given to a woman X who cannot conceive by her own eggs anymore, to be fertilized by the sperm of her partner in an IVF Laboratory, and then the resulted embryo or embryos will be transferred into the uterus of woman X. In case of pregnancy, it will continue developing as any normal pregnancy inside the uterus. Legally, by documents, the mother will be the woman who delivered the…
POSTED January 22, 2019
Egg freezing (Vitrification):   Woman’s fertility is largely dependent on the quality and quantity of her eggs. As woman ages her fertility potential or egg quality and quantity decreases as does the chances of getting pregnant. This is an option to save the fertility of a woman who decides to marry late or a woman who has to undergo chemotherapy.  …
POSTED April 12, 2019
Sex selection boys or girls (PGD):    Gender or sex selection / Family planning:   IVF + Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is an excellent tool to choose the sex of the embryo before uterine embryo transfer. 3 or 5 days after fertilization in the IVF lab a cell biopsy is done from each embryo using laser and under a special microscope. It is 99% precise in detecting the gender of the embryo.…
POSTED April 03, 2019
What is IN Vitro Fetilization in simple words? What is IVF in Lebanon? It is the fertilization of an egg with the husband's sperm outside the uterus, in the laboratory, and keeping it there for 3 - 5 days. After the transfer of the embryo to the woman's uterus, the pregnancy continues as a natural normal pregnancy. At first the woman makes some injections for 8 - 10 days to increase the number of eggs to be fertilized to increase the success rate. When the eggs…
POSTED August 27, 2016
Egg freezing (Vitrification): Woman’s fertility is largely dependent on the quality and quantity of her eggs. As woman ages her fertility potential or egg quality and quantity decreases as does the chances of getting pregnant. This is an option to save the fertility of a woman who decides to marry late or a woman who has to undergo chemotherapy. The…
POSTED August 30, 2016
Normal semen analysis values (World Health Organization)  Semen Analysis Parameter
POSTED August 31, 2016
Ovulation: Use Ovulation Calculator of Dr. Najib Dagher
POSTED September 21, 2016
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Dr. Najib Dagher started his medical studies in Bordeaux – France. He obtained his MD degree and then a specialty in Obstetrics and Gynecology as well as REPRODUCTIVE ENDOCRINOLOGY - HUMAN REPRODUCTION - Infertility & IVF in 2006.

He then pursued his career in many Hospitals…