Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) treatments for ovaries

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PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) Injections:

Ovarian rejuvenation therapy (PRP) offers new hopes to women who are unable to conceive due premature ovarian failure, early pre-menopause, and low ovarian reserve but who wish to have their own biological child.

In Ovarian Rejuvenation, a preparation of a woman’s own blood cells, called Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), is injected into her ovaries to stimulate new cellular growth in an attempt to restore fertility and ovarian hormone production.

This process of ovarian rejuvenation provides a possibility of resurrecting fertility or some degree of ovarian hormonal function in women who have poor quality eggs in their ovaries.

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) Injections – PRP Injections is a technique where blood is taken from the forearm and centrifuged so the platelet-rich plasma is isolated and then injected back into the ovary.

PRP (plasma rich in Platelets) is a natural product where a high level of platelets is concentrated, but with growth factors concentration 3 to 5 times greater than plasma.


The theory underlying this method was derived from a natural healing process. The body’s first response to tissue injury is to deliver platelets to the injured area. Platelets promote healing and attract growth factors to the site of injury. In reproductive medicine, PRP therapy is developed in different directions. The first one refers to the ovarian rejuvenation for women with premature ovarian failure and patient with low ovarian reserve. During this procedure, PRP is injected into the ovary under ultrasound guidance, similarly to egg retrieval in IVF cycle.

Ideal Candidates for Ovarian Rejuvenation Therapy (PRP)

  • Women with Premature Ovarian Insufficiency, typically younger than 40 years.
  • Women with early pre-menopause.
  • Women with low ovarian reserve, and low Anti-Mullerian (AMH) hormone levels.

The 2nd direction is PRP treatment by intrauterine infusions for patients with recurrent implantation failure and women with resistant thin endometrium.

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