Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) treatment for endometrium
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) treatment for thin endometrium:
Intrauterine perfusion of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) has been used for treating thin endometrium. PRP is blood plasma prepared from fresh own whole blood that has been enriched with platelets by centrifuge. Platelets have positive effects on local tissue repair and contain a significant amount of growth factors that stimulate proliferation and growth. It's efficacy in endometrial growth has been fully established.
PRP can expand endometrial thickness by providing growth factor to the endometrium. PRP is a safe procedure, with minimal risks of infectious disease transmission and immunological reactions since it is made from autologous blood samples derived from patient's own blood.
Endometrial thickness <7 mm and thin endometrium decreases pregnancy rates and significantly lower implantation and pregnancy rates and also correlates with a higher risk of miscarriage. The thin endometrium is an extremely bad factor that interferes with an ongoing pregnancy.
Common causes of the thin endometrium:
- Uterine Infections and inflammations; pelvic infectious diseases lead to unresponsiveness to estrogens.
- Repetitive curettage causing damage to the basal layer of endometrium.
- Intrauterine adhesions; especially Asherman’s syndrome.
- Low estrogen levels due to repetitive use of anti-estrogenic treatment (clomiphene Citrate)
- Cancer treatments, such as radical surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy (RT) can permanently affect the uterus lining.
Endometrial treatment by PRP:
PRP contains activating platelets that stimulate the action of cytokines and growth factors. They can regulate cell migration, attachment, proliferation and differentiation, and promote extracellular matrix accumulation. According to this theory, local infusion of PRP (that contains several growth factors and cytokines) into the cavity of the uterus may improve endometrial thickness, receptivity and implantation.
PRP Procedure:
- PRP is prepared from patient’s own blood (autologous), by collection of 1 8 ml blood from the vein of the arm.
- 1st dosage of PRP is prepared and injected in the cavity of the uterus on the 10th day of the period.
- PRP is infused into the uterine cavity via a catheter (0.5–1 ml).
- Infusion of PRP can be done 1- 3 times before the embryo transfer if the endometrial thickness is not satisfactory.
Contra-Indications of PRP:
- Platelet count less than 105/μL
- Hemoglobin less than 10 g/dL
- Presence of metastatic disease or blood tumor, and other associated infections.